How To Add Signature In Ms Outlook Account?

Now you can easily create and personalize your signatures in your MS Outlook account. Now when you send email messages to your contacts which include text, your signature will get automatically attached to your mail. You can set your settings in such a manner so that your signature will get added automatically to all outgoing emails accordingly.

  • First of all, go to your Outlook menu, and tap on preferences.
  • Now in your email settings tap on the signatures preferences button and tap to add.
  • After this a new signature within your email.
  • You can add your name to the signature by clicking on the signature.
  • By adding your name you should know that this name will not appear in the messages.
  • You can add any other details you want to add in your signature like your social media icons and other info details.
  • Simply enter the text that you want to include in your Outlook signature.
  • Now close the Signatures and tap on the preferences button.
  • After this tap on default Signatures and add the signature as default.
  • Now finally when you send messages via your Outlook account the signature gets attached automatically.

You can also create your signature for your Outlook account

  • Simply compose a message.
  • Now in the message tab, you can go to include group option and tap on a signature.
  • After this in the Email Signature tab, tap to create a new signature.
  • Enter a name for the signature.
  • Type the text or info you want to add in your signature.
  • Then tap ok and save the change.

For more tips and information you can get connected to a reliable source that will help you in adding and creating a signature in your Outlook in a competent manner.

In case you confront any sort of difficulty in applying or adding the signature to your Outlook account then you can simply contact a third-party tech service providing company and get tech help from the expert technicians in an efficient manner.